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Welcome to Center Chapel Church
We’ve been spreading God’s word since 1888 and we want you to join our church family!
We seek meaningful encounters with God in order to fulfill our vision statement:
Faith in Action - Inside Out!

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Food Pantry

Feeding the hungry
Food is distributed every 3rd Tuesday from 4-5:30 pm
If there is a food or clothing emergency please contact our
office: (765) 288-9490
Clothing Pantry

Giving clothing to those in need
Clothing is distributed on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. From 9:30 am to 2:00 pm
Center Chapel Church
Inside Out: What's the Word Part:3

Inside Out: What's the Word Part:3
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Sunday Worship @10:20
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Sunday Worship @10:20
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Sunday Worship @10:20
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Contact Center Chapel
900 W Royerton Rd
Muncie, Delaware County 47303
(765) 288-9490
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